Taipei Arena
Address: Taipei Arena, Section 4th, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan .The Taipei Arena (Chinese: 臺北小巨蛋; pinyin: Táiběi xiǎo jùdàn; Wade–Giles: T'ai2pei3 hsiao3 chü4tan4; lit. 'Taipei little big egg') is a multi-purpose stadium located in Songshan, Taipei, Taiwan, and it is operated by the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC). Built in 2005, the large multi-purpose stadium can accommodate major international sport events such as ice skating, ice hockey, gymnastics, handball, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, indoor soccer, boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo and wrestling.
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Taipei)
Address: Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan .The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Chinese: 國立國父紀念館; pinyin: Guólì Guófù Jìniàn Guǎn; lit. 'National 'Father of the Nation' Memorial Hall') is located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan. It is a memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and was completed in 1972. The total building area covers 29,464 square metres (7.3 acres) in an open space of 115,000 square metres (28.4 acres). It contains displays of Sun's life and the revolution he led, and is also a multi-purpose social, educational and cultural center for the public.
Songshan Airport
Address: Songshan Airport (TSA), DunHua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan .Taipei Songshan Airport (IATA: TSA, ICAO: RCSS) is a mid-size international airport and military airbase located in Songshan, Taipei, Taiwan (the Republic of China). The airport covers an area of 182 hectares (450 acres).
The civilian section of Songshan Airport has scheduled flights to domestic destinations in Taiwan and international destinations including Seoul, Tokyo, and select cities in China. Songshan serves only a small portion of the international flights for Taipei compared to the larger Taoyuan International Airport. Songshan Airport is also the base of certain Republic of China Air Force units as part of the Songshan Air Force Base. The Songshan Base Command's main mission is to serve the President and Vice President of the Republic of China.
Raohe St. Night Market
Address: 105, Taiwan, 台北市松山區 Raohe Street, 饒河街觀光夜市 .A historic night market with a variety of shops and street food stalls.
咖央咖啡 Cafe Jia Song
Address: Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 51, Section 1st, Da'an Road, Cafejiasong咖央 .位於台北忠孝敦化商圈(東區),是許多網紅介紹的東區知名餐廳。提供咖啡、多樣飲品及甜點、漢堡、早午餐及精緻主食餐點等。咖央隱身在車水馬龍的大安路旁巷弄,位於二樓老公寓非常低調,但一踏進門讓人驚嘆連連,店內採光明亮,座位總共分4大區,每一區很有特色,並散發著韓風裝潢氣息,一定能滿足愛拍照的網美們。
Taipei Station
Address: Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1st, Chengde Road, 台北車站 .台北市主要車站,包含台北火車站、捷運台北車站、捷運桃園機場線台北車站及台灣高鐵台北站,是核心交通要道。
Songshan Station
Address: Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, Songshan Road, 松山車站 .台北市區中心的車站,包含松山火車站及捷運松山車站。
松山文創園區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
Address: 台北市信義區光復南路133號 .松山文創園區,位於臺北市信義區,占地6.6公頃,建於西元1937年,其前身為「臺灣總督府專賣局松山菸草工場」,為臺灣現代化工業廠房的先驅,也是第一座專業的捲菸廠。 建築風格屬「日本初現代主義」,形式簡潔典雅,面磚、琉璃及銅釘做工精細,堪稱當時工廠的楷模。松山菸廠在1998年停止生產、併入台北菸廠後正式走入歷史,並於2001年被列為市定古蹟,幾經整修後才轉型為目前的松山文化創意園區,園區內以文創展演為主,可說是台北市占地最大、最活躍的文化園區。
台北信義商圈 Xinyi Shopping District
Address: 台北市信義區松高路12號 .信義計劃區為新興商業區,乃目前臺北市最具指標性的商圈,其中信義路四、五段間就有多家百貨公司、飯店、時尚餐廳,號稱臺北最具價值的地區,包含新光三越信義店、新光三越新天地、A4、威秀影城、君悅飯店等,加上臺北101,這裡已漸漸取代東區成為新的時髦都會地區。
Taipei Arena The Taipei Arena (Chinese: 臺北小巨蛋; pinyin: Táiběi xiǎo jùdàn; Wade–Giles: T'ai2pei3 hsiao3 chü4tan4; lit. 'Taipei little big egg') is a multi-purpose stadium located in Songshan, Taipei, Taiwan, and it is operated by the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC). Built in 2005, the large multi-purpose stadium can accommodate major international sport events such as ice skating, ice hockey, gymnastics, handball, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, indoor soccer, boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo and wrestling.Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Taipei) The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Chinese: 國立國父紀念館; pinyin: Guólì Guófù Jìniàn Guǎn; lit. 'National 'Father of the Nation' Memorial Hall') is located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan. It is a memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and was completed in 1972. The total building area covers 29,464 square metres (7.3 acres) in an open space of 115,000 square metres (28.4 acres). It contains displays of Sun's life and the revolution he led, and is also a multi-purpose social, educational and cultural center for the public.Songshan Airport Taipei Songshan Airport (IATA: TSA, ICAO: RCSS) is a mid-size international airport and military airbase located in Songshan, Taipei, Taiwan (the Republic of China). The airport covers an area of 182 hectares (450 acres).The civilian section of Songshan Airport has scheduled flights to domestic destinations in Taiwan and international destinations including Seoul, Tokyo, and select cities in China. Songshan serves only a small portion of the international flights for Taipei compared to the larger Taoyuan International Airport. Songshan Airport is also the base of certain Republic of China Air Force units as part of the Songshan Air Force Base. The Songshan Base Command's main mission is to serve the President and Vice President of the Republic of China.Raohe St. Night Market A historic night market with a variety of shops and street food stalls.咖央咖啡 Cafe Jia Song 位於台北忠孝敦化商圈(東區),是許多網紅介紹的東區知名餐廳。提供咖啡、多樣飲品及甜點、漢堡、早午餐及精緻主食餐點等。咖央隱身在車水馬龍的大安路旁巷弄,位於二樓老公寓非常低調,但一踏進門讓人驚嘆連連,店內採光明亮,座位總共分4大區,每一區很有特色,並散發著韓風裝潢氣息,一定能滿足愛拍照的網美們。Taipei Station 台北市主要車站,包含台北火車站、捷運台北車站、捷運桃園機場線台北車站及台灣高鐵台北站,是核心交通要道。Songshan Station 台北市區中心的車站,包含松山火車站及捷運松山車站。松山文創園區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park 松山文創園區,位於臺北市信義區,占地6.6公頃,建於西元1937年,其前身為「臺灣總督府專賣局松山菸草工場」,為臺灣現代化工業廠房的先驅,也是第一座專業的捲菸廠。 建築風格屬「日本初現代主義」,形式簡潔典雅,面磚、琉璃及銅釘做工精細,堪稱當時工廠的楷模。松山菸廠在1998年停止生產、併入台北菸廠後正式走入歷史,並於2001年被列為市定古蹟,幾經整修後才轉型為目前的松山文化創意園區,園區內以文創展演為主,可說是台北市占地最大、最活躍的文化園區。台北信義商圈 Xinyi Shopping District 信義計劃區為新興商業區,乃目前臺北市最具指標性的商圈,其中信義路四、五段間就有多家百貨公司、飯店、時尚餐廳,號稱臺北最具價值的地區,包含新光三越信義店、新光三越新天地、A4、威秀影城、君悅飯店等,加上臺北101,這裡已漸漸取代東區成為新的時髦都會地區。